Founded in 2017, Shop Everything Christian™ is a global Christian Lifestyle brand of Life Eternal & Company that plays in the Church goods, retail and e-commerce industries. We sell...
We are a couture brands for kids. We specialize in making custom made high end dresses for girls aged 0-10 years. We also specialize in customizing outfits for mums...

Iyva Accessories

  • MicroteHwebs
Iyva Accessories provides you with the Very Best Quality Engagement and Wedding Rings. High Quality, Non-fade, Unique Customized designs at the most Affordable Prices. We make the best out of...

Ako Africa

  • MicroteHwebs
Ako is an Afrocentric brand. The word “Ako” means fashionable in my local language “Yoruba”. We hit the sweet spot of Fashion, Art and Culture. Each piece tells a story...

Burgeon Careers

  • MicroteHwebs
A visionary, innovative career technology company empowering professionals to make impact, get rewarded and recognized and live their best life through personalized and customized products and services. – Our...
Vantage Impact Initiative is a Christian Women based Non Governmental Organization. Mission Statement Vantage Impact Initiative women and girls with the right values to live above the conventional. Vision...
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